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ALLPCB Price Adjustment

2017-12-29  ALLPCB Team

Dear Customers, Happy New Year!

To provide PCBs with better quality and to achieve faster shipment, the original FR-4 material is upgraded to Shengyi TG140 and the PCB lead time has accelerated: 


  • 24 Hours Lead Time for 1 - 2 layer pcb boards

  • 48 Hours Lead Time for 4-layer pcb boards

  • 72 Hours Lead Time for 6-layer pcb boards



And please note that ALLPCB is ready to cancel the promotional PCBs with $5 from Jan.15th. For all the standard PCB prototypes the price will be calculated with project fee, board fee ect. There is only price change for promotional board, the other price remain the same. Submiting with correct PCB dimension on our intant quote page is very important to get an accurate PCB cost.


ALLPCB Service Team



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