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Cost Saving Options for Batch Order From Total Area of 1㎡


The cost saving options of 2-layer boards and 4-layer boards launched by ALLPCB on September 2 have been well received by many clients. This option used to require the total area to be above 5 ㎡, but now we have expanded the scope again and offer the cost-saving option for 2-layer boards of 1-5 ㎡ to reduce costs for more users who do not need rush delivery.

The following boards are now available for the cost-saving option:


Board KB-6160 TG130:
Copper thickness 1oz, board thickness 0.6-2mm
Copper thickness 2oz, board thickness 1.6, 2mm


Board KB-6165F TG150:
Board thickness 1.6mm, copper thickness 1oz


Delivery time starts from 7 days, and the average price is $15 cheaper comparing to standard options per square meter.


For example:



If you are ordering 400 pieces of a 100mm*100mm 2-layer PCB, the cheapest material option for the Default Parameters is KB6165F TG150, which cost $374. Now you can spend only $314 to order it with the material KB6160 TG130, you can save $60. If you still choose the material of TG150, it will cost $320, saving you $54.

Although the price is lower, this new option delivers the same high-quality PCBs as always. Whether you choose the faster or more cost-effective option, ALLPCB guarantees excellent quality and reliability in every board.


Start saving on your PCB order today with ALLPCB!

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