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Re-order Function Is Released On ALLPCB.COM

2018-03-09  ALLPCB Team

Good News!

The re-order function is officially released on March 5th. Orders fabricated by ALLPCB after Aug 1st 2017, you can go into your order list and re-order directly on our website. 

Here are the steps for re-ordering process:

1. Please log into, find the orders in your account. Click the “Completed “orders—Please confirm received for any orders shipped out if you need to reorder.

2. Find the order that you need to repeat, and click “Reorder ”.

You can change quantity, solder mask/silkscreen color and other specifications as you like. And click “buy”, the item will be in your cart directly.

For any confusion, please feel free to contact your dedicated sales !

ALLPCB Service Team



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