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Mr. Zhou Bangbing: continuous innovation, adhere to the industry collaborative innovation platform brand road

2017-09-21  ALLPCB Team

In 2018, China is about to usher in the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up. In this 40 years of changing circumstances, China's economic develop rapidly, and the GDP in 1978 from 0.37 trillion Yuan in 2016 to 74.4 trillion Yuan, ranking the second in the world. 

Chinese enterprises to grasp the new opportunities under the new opportunities, transformation and upgrading, reform and innovation, vigorously develop the new economy, which emerged a large number of outstanding national enterprises, creating a further economic miracle. By the China International Broadcasting Corporation's international online and, TaKungPao, the media and other domestic and foreign mainstream media co-sponsored the "Tribute to the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up - the golden age of Chinese brands, the international media to see the Chinese brand - Accompanied by a world brand line ", the media group arrived in Zhejiang station, They has interviewed Guangsha Group, Zhongtian Group, Zhejiang well-known brands enterprises. On the morning of September 9th, the media group came to Hangzhou Jiepei Information Technology Co., Ltd (ALLPCB). And the CEO ,Mr. Bangbing Zhou, received an exclusive interview with international online journalists.

The CEO of Hangzhou Jiepei Information Technology Co., Ltd (ALLPCB), Mr. Zhou Bangbing

According to Zhou Bangbing, CEO of Hangzhou Jiepei Information Technology Co., Ltd, which started since 2003 and now it has been 14 years of business history, during the 14 years, the Hangzhou Jiepei Information Technology Co., Ltd started from the Internet industry information trade platform, and has been constantly upgrading, innovation and development. In 2003 the company started to do the main Internet site construction, virtual host, In 2006, the company from the Internet business services transformation B2B industry, instrumentation industry information platform. Till now, the Hangzhou Jiepei Information Technology Co., Ltd with the electronic market network (the original WEIKU electronic market network) and Hangzhou Jiepei Information Technology Co., Ltd with instrumentation network (the original peacekeeping library instrument network) has become the industry well-known brand website. 

Since 2013, the company has started its third innovation, that is, from the basic product printed circuit board (PCB) in the field of electronic products as the entry point, then transition to a comprehensive transaction-oriented services, which as the core of the new generation of industry e-commerce platform. In 2016, JIEPEI Information Technology Co., Ltd. started the re-transformation of the development of the electronics industry for collaborative research and development and production platform.

                          Mr. Zhou Bangbing, CEO of ALLPCB Accept an Interview from "International Online"


Looking back on the development process, the CEO Mr. Zhou told reporters: "JIEPEI has fourteen years of development and growth, its growth of B2B business has gone through three stages, namely B2B 1.0 stage, simple information platform; B2B 2.0 stage, Platform; B2B 3.0 stage, the electronic industry chain collaborative platform. Mr. Zhou told reporters: "The above third stages is the inevitable development of the industry, after the transaction platform must be a more advanced collaborative development platform, a number of industry manufacturers work together to develop Manufacturing, this is a kind of industrial industry collaboration, a new industrial ecology. "

When speaking of JIEPEI ‘s business philosophy and development strategy,  Mr. Zhou thought that it must have a spirit of persistence when doing business. It had a lot of difficulties, but we finally stick to it ; and also, it is very important of our own unique corporate culture, the JIEPEI people advocate the spirit of Share, we work together, and forge ahead together. Third, it is the enterprise to continue to innovate, the JIEPEI has experienced four transformation are again and again,  Only continue to self-breakthrough, take the initiative to innovate ,then we can  conform to the current trend of the development of the Internet era.

 Introduce Corporate Culture to Journalists

It is understood that Hangzhou Jiepei Information Technology Co., Ltd.  has won the "national high-tech enterprises," "Hangzhou City, the top ten key industries," "industry leading enterprises" and other awards in recent years. The company is a new Internet enterprise that has been born on the Internet tide and has been focused on providing B2B and B2C services to the electronics industry chain. It is also a well-known Internet brand enterprise in China's electronic components industry. Our customers have been in more than 100 countries and regions The In the interview process, when the reporter asked: Chairman Xi Jinping mentioned that the Chinese products need the Chinese brand, let the Chinese brand go to the world brand, JIEPEI in the brand create, any practice?

Mr.Zhou said that for the brance, JIEPEI always keep venture, it has always attached great importance to corporate brand culture, pragmatic, and serve the industry customer service.

In the specific business, adhering to the "fast, accurate, good" business philosophy, with fast supply and excellent product quality, it can offer competitive advantage for the customers. M,r.  Zhou told reporters that the mission is to "make innovation more simple, convenient and fast." He also said that doing business need "High eigh", need have future-vision, low hand is to seriously do the small thing, JIEPEI now is forcus on printed circuit board with global fast proofing business, and our efforts to achieve industrial breakthrough target of a breakthrough.      


When talking about the brand development and participation in the " The Belt and Road Initiative " in the construction process, Mr. Zhou introduced in China and the world economic and trade cooperation in the context of rapid development, the international market is the most important part.  At present, JIEPEI Information Technology Co., Ltd.'s global business accounts for 60% of the company's market share, overseas business has been involved in 97 countries and regions. In the "The Belt and Road Initiative " strategy has covered 70%, and the overseas cooperative enterprises have reached thousands, mostly are Europe and the United States market customers, of which only the US market has accounted for 30% of all overseas market share.


For the development of enterprises, Mr. Zhou said, JIEPEI Information Technology Co., Ltd. will strive to become a global collaborative platform for electronic products. We are full of confidence for the future!

ALLPCB Service Team



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