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Indian Clients’ Exclusive Quote Has Been Online

2017-04-13  ALLPCB Team

Since foundation, has been on its way to achieve significant progresses. This is indispensable with the continuous support from clients globally. Regarding customers as priority, currently has launched Indian clients’ exclusive quote.

pcb board

Why is it exclusive? Aiming to the batch PCB quote, it fits most Indian clients demand. Compared with original quote, key parameters are set according to most Indian clients’ preference. All they need to do is simply handling those parameters by themselves, rather than fussy and uninterested ones. This dramatically saves time and customers can get instant quote from reliable manufacturers such as Shenzhen Huahong, Hui Chong, Zhi Zhi Fast Technology, etc.

Additionally, PCB boards mainly focus on 2 layers and 4 layers, in accordance with major Indian clients’ tendency. Common board thickness from 0.8mm to 1.6 mm, and various types of surface finish is also available. For example, 3000 pieces boards of 2 layers (100*100mm) only charges you $2138.48 dollars. You may be tempted by now, then simply contact us: if have any doubts.


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