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ALLPCB Spring Tour

2019-04-16  ALLPCB Team

On Apr. 14th, ALLPCB staff climbed Yuntai Mountain to admire the azalea and express appreciation to our dear customers.


March to April is the best time to appreciate flowers in a year, during this period, all kinds of flowers are blooming brilliantly. People always have a picnic or go hiking in their spare time.

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On this morning, after an hour and a half drive, we arrived at Yuntai Mountain and started climbing right away. We were all expected for what we will see later.


The way up to the mountain top is not so easy as we imagined, some roads are formed by very steep steps and some roads even without steps, ALLPCB staff helped and encouraged each other on the way. Although it was a little hard during the process, all of us finally reached the top, no one want to give up.


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The scenery in front of us is really impressing! Our office is in the center district in Hangzhou, what we see everyday is modern high buildings and crossing roads, we even forget the beauty of nature.

However, the wonderful views right in front of us reminds us of the power of nature. We felt unprecedented relaxation, and will turn this energy into power to provide better PCB prototype service to customers.

The way to mountain top is not so easy just like the way to accomplish our mission(Make the innovation simpler, faster and more convenient! ) is not so easy, but ALLPCB will try our best to make it!


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