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ALLPCB's Warm Christmas Wishes for You!

2019-12-25  ALLPCB Team

Dear ALLPCBers,


"We wish you a merry christmas. We wish you a merry christmas."

Christmas arrives! ALLPCB wishes you a Merry Christmas!

 Christmas 2019.png

As Alexander Smith said, Christmas is the day that holds all time together. Christmas is the biggest festival all over the world. People from different regions irrespective of their religion celebrate Christmas with fun and party.


ALLPCB conventionally holds activities at Christmas, this year which is “Angel and King”. It is a guardian activity full of love and happiness that Angel will prepare an elaborate gift for their King. What’s more, Kings have no idea who will be their Angles cause it is randomly generated.

Each person takes turns drawing Numbers to choose his or her own guardian Angel. And then Father Christmas will hand out their surprising one by one with a big sock bag.  




With the company of ALLPCB, all staff had a merry Christmas and also happy times. Do you have some special happy things in this whole year? Go to share your happiest things with your friends and lover! Sharing itself is a happy thing, which definitely will bring you double happiness.


Merry Christmas again and Happy New Year in advance!


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