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2016 The First ALLPCB PCB Master Tournament

2016-11-25  ALLPCB Team

As the first worldwide online platform with PCB prototyping and low volume PCB manufacturing services, is always engaged in offering high-standard PCB service to customers. PCB manufacturing is a highly polluting industry which may cause serious harm to the environment. Therefore, put great stress on environmental issues.

And is a socially responsible company in the field of Printed Circuit Boards. In order to highlight the conception of environment protection and enhance employees’ understanding PCBs and environment protection, organized The First ALLPCB PCB Master Tournament in November, 2016.

In the tournament, all the members should design their own creations and make them out. Besides, all the creation will be made of recycled printed circuit boards with some certain themes. And these creations will be scored by creativity, aesthetics and technique.


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