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16th Birthday and 4th Thanksgiving Day of Jiepei

2019-06-12  ALLPCB Team

Today is 4th Thanksgiving Day of Hangzhou Jiepei, also is the 16th birthday of Jiepei. We got together to celebrate this big day. Jiepei can go further because we are grateful.


Thanks for the support of our users.

Thanks for the peaceful environment provided by the Party.

Thanks for the constant struggle of our classmates and comrades in Jiepei.

Thanks for the unselfish love of parents.

Thanks for guide of teachers.


Jiepei always leads the development of PCB industry, creates value, provides convenience, meets customer needs, brings happiness to others.


As a vital department of Jiepei, ALLPCB always puts customers need at first,committed to creating values for them, makes them feel our love and compassion.


ALLPCB entered the market not very early and started late, but everyone in our team  made an all-out effort. ALLPCB managed to achieve 24 hours lead time for 1-2 layers PCB prototypes.


Heart of Jiepei: Jiepei is a big family,and love is in our bone.

Brain of Jiepei: Gratitude to users and teammate.

Body of Jiepei: “Jie” means quick turn and ahead of time, ”Pei” means match the need of users.

These are three core keys of Jiepei that make us better!

Do not wait to be grateful, it is the action that matters!

One person can go very fast, but a group of people can make it further!



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