What is the maximum temperatures electronic components can withstand in low pressure molding?
2016/8/29 15:01:57
I'd like to overmold a PCBA, which has SMT components, with a low pressure molding process. The temperature of the hotmel material should be between 200°C and 215°C.
Does anyone know if this material temperature could be a problem for the electronic components? Do I have the risk that the solder melts? Is this stress too harmful for the components?
2016/10/23 3:58:37
I know the temperature could be a problem for some components. Many SMT parts would also survive, but all it takes is one or two problem ones and your scrap goes up and reliability goes down the WC.
2016/10/10 1:07:49
You can check the component's data sheet, which will write the examined temperature ratings. If the component can handle 215°C in non-operational state, then it will be OK.
2016/8/31 15:01:57