What are the pitfalls of high PCB copper thickness?

2016/9/29 8:29:04

We need to carry high currents on a PCB, so we are likely to order our PCBs with high copper thickness. So far we've only used 35 microns in our designs, so high thickness for us means, 70 or 105.

Sinan Gunay

2016/11/10 3:30:18

I would still suggest to solder copper wire on top of the trace for you.


2016/10/26 16:19:32

The best solution of these questions is the PCB vendor that you have selected. Different PCB vendors excel at different types of boards: some are great at high speed, tight tolerances; others are good at high power applications.


2016/10/17 14:46:29

I think 105μ is the thickest you can get, but I do not know why you wouldn't get it on inner layers. A PCB is just a stackup of epoxy, copper and glass fiber. You can play with thickness at will.


2016/10/1 8:29:04

I have learned a lot from your article. Quite useful and impressive info.

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