What are the differences between milled and etched PCB?
2016/10/12 18:28:14
I want to build some short run kits and need some PCB boards.
I can have them built by a local manufacturer or use a small
CNC mill to construct them myself.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?
2016/11/28 2:21:08
Etched pcbs are really cheap and the quantity you need could attract a decent discount. You also get silk screen printing and solder masking if you want them and, for any proper pcb I think this is essential.
2016/10/14 18:28:14
An interesting post.
Setyawan P. Sakti
2016/10/14 14:26:31
When mechanical milling removes the copper, it could affect the surface smoothness of the fiber glass /phenolic layer. This doesn't happen with etching.