Tips of homebrew PCB

2016/7/3 13:13:28

When fabricate PCB at home, I had trouble with some areas. Such as Tinning, Vias and plated through hole, Cutting and Coating. Anyone can help me?


2016/12/11 2:09:06

The way I used for getting an evenly tinned surface is to use room temp tin plating solution to, it seems expensive at first, but the solution lasts a long time and can be stored and reused if you make too much up.


2016/10/13 3:01:55

For tinning, my method is to coat the traces with a flux pen as soon as the board is finished etching, then run all over them with the thinnest coat of solder from my iron.

Albert Basson

2016/9/21 13:30:24

I use the photo-etch technique and find that the small residue of resist remaining on the board after resist removal protects the copper.


2016/8/21 9:58:58

Regarding the cutting of PCBs, tin snips do a good job for me.

Telesound Bt.

2016/7/5 13:13:28

Very helpful and valuable.

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