The way of using Altium pcbDoc with Eagle

2016/7/1 11:27:15

I am currently using Altium Designer on business and Eagle. Is it possible to export the Altium pcbDoc files to use them with Eagle anyhow? Can I export brd files with Altium and they can't be opened with Eagle?


2016/12/3 12:37:25

Altium offers a license model that allows you to use an office license at home on condition of both copies not running at the very same time.

Thomas van Veen

2016/10/3 21:02:56

Using them is not possible. But importing them as a static graphic element via gerber files seems possible.


2016/9/9 12:48:11

You can use a copy of AD at home, when this licence is not used at work.


2016/7/9 4:57:41

If you have altium somewhere, you can export your designs to ACCEL ASCII format.

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