The exportation of DXF or SVG of edge cuts and hole outlines

2016/8/2 9:46:21

It would be useful to have an SVG or DXF file which shows the board edges and the edges of the drill holes. Is it possible?


2016/12/7 9:45:11

Did the DXF plot option work?

Ronnie Walker

2016/11/28 2:03:32

This is the best option at the moment until the PCB API is created and we can create genuine plugins for this kind of job.


2016/8/30 6:15:04

You can use FreeCAD: 1) Export PCB to IDF 2) Import the IDF in FreeCAD 3) Use draft Shape2DView to project the board with holes 4) Export DXF

ISA, s.r.o.

2016/8/10 20:40:35

If your laser cutter can work with gcode, I can introduce an inkscape plugin that will convert the gerber paste layer to gcode. It works fine down to 0.8mm pitch components, probably smaller with a bit more experimenting. Just use Kicad to reduce the aper

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