Planning to evaluate the above process... Can anyone can give me some tips/infos on the above.... e.g. stencil aperture design, aperture ratio, common problems and solutions they encountered on the above process, is the profile different from an ordinary SMT process....etc...
All suggestions are welcome.
How to search the archive in this forum for the above topic.
2017/3/1 7:04:50
What you share on your post is quite useful.
2017/3/1 7:04:50
Many thanks. Your idea is very valuable. Will certainly share this post with my pals.
Ercin Dalgic
2017/3/1 7:04:50
I am happy that you shared this helpful information with us.Please keep us up to date like this.
2017/3/1 7:04:50
2017/3/1 7:04:50
Please keep us up to date like this.