We manufacture products that are double sided SMT (double sided reflow) and then have through-hold connectors attached to several of the sides. Currently we solder the connectors by hand, which works fine but takes a lot of time. I'm tempted to get a manual solder fountain - something like http://www.apsgold.com/gw10.html
If anyone has experience using these in production, I'd love to hear it. It seems like I could save several minutes per board.
Sebastien CRETENET
2017/2/4 19:13:19
Paul K. McKneely
2017/2/4 19:13:19
2017/2/4 19:13:19
Bravo! Hope you can write soon.
2017/2/4 19:13:19
I am happy that you shared this helpful information with us.
Dimitri Tskhovrebadz
2017/2/4 19:13:19
Bookmarked.Really helpful.