We have a Samsung CP20 with window 95, S-2000 MMI version 1.27 from Manncorp Inc. that freeze on window 95 screen. It was found that the mother board was at fault & need to be replaced. We replaced it with a compatible one & kept the original hard drive. It run window ok but pop up error "No response from VME controller, No DP_ACK signal" during DPRAM innitialize... Please help!
Garry Thorn
2017/3/2 15:18:40
I have learned a lot from your article. Quite useful and impressive info.
2017/3/2 15:18:40
very useful informations.
Shahzad Rafiq
2017/3/2 15:18:40
Great work. I really appreciate it.
2017/3/2 15:18:40
A good piece of info for learning.