Problem with self created component For Eagle
2016/10/3 12:26:18
I created my own device in Eagle for the AMC7135 Current Regulator.
I'm now trying to use it to create a circuit. I've placed the device on the work area, and am now in the process of connecting the various parts together.
2016/12/3 2:40:11
The tutorial I used to create the device left out one very important piece of information. When creating the solder pads you need to get your dimensions dead on, you fiddle with the grid sizing. However, when you create the schematic device you must leave the default grid values. This allows the parts to match up correctly when you place your custom device in the schematic.
2016/10/30 15:44:51
Manual rougting is the answer here. But I do not use the Auto roughting in Eagle.
2016/10/5 5:31:22
Go into the library editor and manually set the position of the pins to a grid number. Sometimes they'll set like .05 off for some reason, so double check them as you're adding pins.