We are converting from COB to SMT on a product line and want to optomize the PCB as far as Laminate, plating, passivation etc. This is a high temp application 150C. We are presently using BT Laminate but would like to get away from this. We are looking at high temp FR4. Any concerns? We are trying to decide between NiAu and HASL (components are 0.025" pitch) what are advantages and disadvantager of these? Not a lot of time has been spent with regards to passivation, any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
werfried kuneth
2017/2/4 5:03:05
Quite useful and impressive info.Thanks for marvelous posting.
2017/2/4 5:03:05
I really appreciate your content.Good resource for new beginners.
2017/2/4 5:03:05
Your post answered my questions. Thanks a lot.
2017/2/4 5:03:05
This post is really interesting.
2017/2/4 5:03:05
What you share on your post is quite useful.