JTAG boundary-scan capability is widely used to test ICs, pc boards (PCBs), and equipment. It saves time and ensures that even the most complex devices work as intended. Also, boundary-scan hardware and software are widely used in automatic test equipment (ATE) such as SPEA SpA’s systems for testing semiconductors and electronic circuit boards.
SPEA has incorporated JTAG Technologies’ boundary-scan products into its 3030 in-circuit test system. Electronic design and manufacturing engineers now can benefit through the greater testability and programmability of complex PCBs.
The 3030 polyfunctional test system can test for shorts and open, analog problems, digital problems, and power-up problems. It also can provide vectorless and active output interface (AOI) testing. The new boundary-scan capability reduces test development and deployment times as well. Test coverage is maximized, and fixture complexity can be reduced due to test-point elimination, especially for complex digital pc boards where physical access to some electrical nodes is limited.
Prepared with JTAG Technologies’ development tools, tests are compiled to run on the SPEA 3030 hardware. The result is a solution in which circuit networks can be stimulated and/or sensed via the boundary-scan chain and vice versa by the pin electronics of the 3030. Test results are interpreted for analysis by the JTAG Technologies diagnostic tools, which present detailed information on fault causes, even in the event of multiple faults.
2017/1/21 19:46:36
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