Head 1 is not placing the parts in production. Same component is placed by head 2. Head 1 camera is camera 12 type and head 2 camera is type 8. Machine re-set done resent proper data and interchanged cameara still same problem was foundd in head 1.
Calibation is done for the both the heads and no improvement found. Head 1 resolution jig is measured properly and nozzle centering is also measured with trace ON and found verygood.
What is making component to fail in head 1 only.tried vision type 10 for 1206 components and 254 for many parts no improvements found.
2017/3/1 20:08:22
You did a great job. Really appreciate your content.
2017/3/1 20:08:22
The article has really peaked my interest.Hope you can write again soon.
2017/3/1 20:08:22
My friends and I have learned a lot with your post. And we will keep on following you for the further study.Hope your next article will come soon.
Edward Chamberlain
2017/3/1 20:08:22