How to chang all via and routing sizes at once?

2016/8/1 16:35:17

There is a PCB design completed by Altium Designer, for which I want to increase via sizes. But there are too much of them, and changing all of them one by one will cost a long time. Is there any way that I can select and resize them all at once?


2016/11/29 13:01:22

you can use the PCB List panel. 1. Open the PCB List panel 2. At the top of the panel, click the "All Types of Objects". In the popup window, select "Display Only: Via" 3.If there does not say "Edit", click the "View" label, and select "Edit" in the drop-down. 4.The rest of the window will be populated by a list of every via on the board. 5.You can shift-click or control-click to select individual vias or ranges of vias. Select a range of vias, and right-click on the hole size column, and hit edit. The new value you enter will be applied to every selected via.


2016/10/9 12:26:26

You can select one of the vias, and select all similar ones with a right mouse click, then use the PCB Inspector to change them to the size you need.


2016/10/2 6:55:14

You can use PCB Filter to filter for all objects by using the statement 'IsVia'. Then you can use PCB Inspector to change values all at once.

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