How to attach a bridge rectifier to a PCB or breadboard?

2016/9/20 10:18:02

I have a bridge rectifier that has four flat blades on the bottom. What I want to do is throwing it on a breadboard to test my circuit, and will eventally want to get it onto a pcb. Right now, I've got it connected to jumpers on my breadboard via four alligator clip cables, but there's GOT to be a better way. Searching for "bridge rectifier socket" led me to some proprietary socket that didn't fit. What am I looking for so I can get better search results?


2016/11/18 5:04:40

For breadboard you might want a small bridge. Types like W08, for example. Like others have said, this large on is for chassis mounting and point-to-point wiring.


2016/11/11 20:20:41

The large blades for this briage is because of a reason: there will be a lot current through the part. It therefore should be strongly discouraged to use this part on a breadboard. There is a way though: you can use header pins. Search for things like "male header"


2016/10/5 11:32:49

The type of rectifier of you is intended for bolting directly to a heat sink via the hole in the center. It is for large currents. For smaller currents, there are bridge rectifiers that have lead terminals for through-hole soldering.

Juan Matte

2016/9/22 10:18:02

Quite useful and impressive info.Thanks for marvelous posting.

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