We have a Minipak 300 wave solder machine from Electrovert and are looking in particular for a tachometer that attaches on the finger conveyor motor to measure the speed in pulses. We are also looking for the thermocouple that is used to monitor the solder pot temperature. Can you give us any information on these parts. A wiring diagram on how the tachometer is connected would help as the wires have separated from the device.
Nick Jay
2017/3/2 15:21:00
Bravo! Hope you can write soon.
Pierre Mainardi
2017/3/2 15:21:00
Very interesting post.
2017/3/2 15:21:00
Inictllgenee and simplicity – easy to understand how you think.
2017/3/2 15:21:00
Nice posting! Your sharing is quite in-depth and solves my puzzles all the time. I will keep reading your post.