Smart Sonic introduces the first "No Risk" Guarantee for SMT Stencil Cleaners. No more shopping for a machine from one vendor, a chemical from another vendor and waste treatment process from a third vendor. Only to discover when the process fails to clean properly, each vendor blames the other for the results. Smart Sonic provides a complete stencil cleaning process: The Right Machine, The Best Chemistry and The Correct Waste Handling. Because Smart Sonic has control over the process and takes responsibility for the results, we can offer a Money Back Guarantee to our users. "The Smart Sonic Stencil Cleaning Process will safely clean any type of solder paste from any fine-pitch stencil...or your money back!"
2017/3/2 7:17:51
Thanks for marvelous posting.
2017/3/2 7:17:51
Quite useful and impressive info.
2017/3/2 7:17:51
Have marked your post. Keep on your great job. Hope your next writing soon.
2017/3/2 7:17:51
My favorite psot here. Its very impressive and helpful.
2017/3/2 7:17:51
Very valuable!