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Holiday Notice For Dragon Boat Festival

2018-06-11  ALLPCB Team

Dear Customer,

Due to the Dragon Boat Festival, our PCB fab will celebrate holidays from 17th to 18th ,and there is no DHL service during this time. Please plan your orders ahead in case of any delay!

Below you can find detailed estimated shipping time for PCB orders:

ALLPCB Dragon  Boat Festival Schedule (GMT+8)
Order Confirmed Time2018/6/132018/6/142018/6/152018/6/162018/6/172018/6/182018/6/19
Paid before 7:00pm and any technical issue confirmed before 9:00pm
1-day lead timeship on 14thship on 15thship on 16thship on 19thship on 20thship on 20thship on 20th
2-day lead timeship on 15thship on 16thship on 19thship on 20thship on 21stship on 21stship on 21st
3-day lead timeship on 16thship on 19thship on 20thship on 21stship on 22ndship on 22ndship on 22nd
4-day lead timeship on 19thship on 20thship on 21stship on 22ndship on 23rdship on 23rdship on 23rd
Lead time> 4   daysTwo more days delay than quotedNormal lead time

                                                                                                                       ALLPCB Service Team



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3, ALLPCB doesn’t verify the relevant information, which cannot be taken into your consideration of investment. Or else at your own risk!

4, For any infringement, please contact the author directly, or write emails to ALLPCB to get the feedback!