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Moving Fingertips Gently,Earning Money Quickly

2017-05-09  ALLPCB Team

May 14  is coming soon, as the first turnkey PCB manufacturing platform, ALLPCB team wishes all our customers' moms happy Mothers' Day. To share the festival happy atmosphere with all of our supporters, has created a simple,quick money-making way. All you need to do is moving your fingertips as follows:

1. Register to be an ALLPCB member.

2. Obtain your exclusivepromotion links in "My Invitation".

3. Spread the links to your friends, or publish widely in other sites(blog,facebook,forum,community,etc), better in electronic-related ones as they are more targeted.

4. If buyers successfully place orders through your promotion link, 2% of each order amount will be sent to your ALLPCB "Credit Balance"account as reward.

Jim is one of our customers. He tried the steps above and someone placed orders through his promotion links. The order amount is $3000 dollars,then he receives $3000*2%=$60. If 100 orders are from his links, his income will be $6000! What a good method to earn money! Money will flow right into your account as long as you spend a few minutes, and we will help you finish the rest!

To greater surprise, apart from that, you will have the chance to enjoy additional reward. The total commission will be counted for every 3 months, and top 3 promoters will correspondingly earn additional $200, $150, $100,if 3-month commission is over $200. Briefly, you don't need to do anything else, just rest and wait for money toward your account afterwards. ALLPCB also supports your apply to cash them anytime.

ALLPCB Service Team



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